General Eye Care

General eye care deals with a routine check-up and common eye problems such as dry eyes, conjunctivitis etc. Dr. Pattnaik’s Laser Eye Institute New Delhi hospitals have a world-class infrastructure to cater to the needs of the patients. Doctors have vast experience in offering solutions to patients for eye care and treating general eye problems. […]
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Optical Services

Optical services are offered at Dr. Pattnaik’s Laser Eye Institute New Delhi hospitals. Our experienced optometrists are professionally qualified to deliver quality services to the clients. Hence nabin Pattnakik has invested in faster glazing machines to offer the best spectacles and contact lenses for the patient with vision problems. Dr Nabin Pattnaik has collaborated with […]
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Pediatric Services

Since Pediatric Services  squint and amblyopia fall under pediatric eye disease which requires early treatment. Dr Nabin Pattnaik eye specialists trained for pediatric eye care. Which is generally different in approach with respect to the adult patients. Best technological equipment is present for visual evaluations of children and its correction. Do you have an infant […]
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Retina Treatment

Retina Treatment  or Retinal tearing and retinal detachment treated using retinal surgery. Which  combined using laser photocoagulation and retinal freezing cryopexy techniques. Dr Nabin Pattnaik offers treatment which best suited to patient requirements. Dr Nabin Kumar Pattnaik eye doctors have successfully performed retinal surgeries without any complications. Are you looking for the best hospital for […]
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Lasik surgery is the best way to get rid of the eyeglasses. DR. PATTNAIK’S LASER EYE INSTITUTE offer comprehensive detailed eye check up to check whether the patient is suitable for LASIK surgery or not. The check-up ensures that the patient completely fit to undergo treatment. DR. PATTNAIK’S LASER EYE INSTITUTE doctors have a decade […]
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Since Cataract Surgery is a disease which mostly occurs in the elderly population. Cataract requires immediate doctor advice to get the treatment. Dr Nabin Pattnaik offers laser automated technology for Cataract surgery which is a bladeless and painless method. Dr Nabin Pattnaik doctors have successfully treated cataract patients and again brought back life to their […]
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